Policy Statement
Fit Wāhine’s health and safety policy, as well as the procedures by which that policy will be followed, are outlined on our website. Our goal is to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees and contractors while also fulfilling all our responsibilities and obligations to our members. All Fit Wāhine members are expected to adhere to the following rules:- To ensure a comfortable atmosphere for everyone, please be courteous and respectful to others.
- Members are to wear appropriate exercise attire. Please also avoid wearing anything that can potentially cause conflict, including gang insignia and/or patches.
- Incidences, injuries, hazards, or anything else requiring attention should be made known to the coaching team.
- Be mindful of your space and keep it as clear as possible when working out.
- Listen to the coaches and trainers and follow their cues. If you need to modify your workout, let your instructors know so they can make sure those modifications are safe and effective.
- Come prepared – bring your water bottle and towel to wipe your sweat.
- Trust the coaches and trainers – if they recommend lighter weights, it is probably for a reason. Their goal is to work you hard, but safely and with purpose.
- Have fun – working out is a privilege, not a punishment. Our bodies were meant to move, so find the method that makes you work hard.
- Classes are subject to change and may be cancelled at any time.