Tā mātou Whāinga
Our Mission

We believe that fitness and whānau/community can change your life!
Fit Wāhine NZ is on a mission to EMPOWER wāhine and māmā across Aotearoa and Australia to help them show up as the best version of themselves through fitness.

Our Guiding Principles
We believe in the revitalisation of Te Reo Māori and use the Fit Wāhine online platform and online fitness classes to normalize Te Reo Māori in the health and fitness industry and here in Aotearoa. Tukuna Te Reo kia rere wāhine mā!
We value the Māori holistic health model Te Whare Tapa Whā by Tākuta Mason Durie and use this framework as our guiding principles:
• Taha Tinana (physical well being)
• Taha Wairua (spiritual being)
• Taha Whānau (family being) and
• Taha Hinengaro (mental health)
Fit Wāhine NZ believes that Te Whare Tapa Whā is the foundation for strengthening all areas of our health and wellbeing and uses this framework as our guiding principles.
We are a non-judgmental community of wāhine striving to show up as the best versions of ourselves, day in, day out!
Join the Fit Wahine tribe today and make real, life-altering changes with us.
We promise you; you won’t regret it!

Founder - Coach Puawai
Ko Te Puawaitanga Winterburn-Chapman tōku ingoa, my name is Te Puawaitanga, or you can call me Puawai. I wear many hats! I am the Founder and Director of Fit Wāhine Aotearoa, a māmā, entrepreneur, actress, group fitness trainer and many more! I don’t like to categorise myself. I am a wāhine of many facets.
I started Fit Wāhine in 2018 as a small side hustle, and it really was only a part-time job, to begin with. I took $2 koha fitness classes at my local community hall until the beast that was Covid19 put a halt to all classes in person. My classes ended up online as a result, which transformed that side hustle into a huge opportunity. Fit Wāhine, all of a sudden, boomed into a huge community of wāhine from across Aotearoa and Australia.
I invite you to join other powerful wāhine like yourself on a journey to revitalise your life, your fitness and your feelings of self-worth.
We’ve got this, wāhine mā!
Coach Puawai x

Fitness Coach
Tui Akuhata
Ko Putauaki me Titirangi kei runga.
Ko Tuariki me Hinemauria kei raro.
Ka rere noa ngā wai o Rangitaiki, o Uawa nui.
Hei waiora mō ngā uri whakatipu o Te Tāwera me Ngāti Kahukuranui. O te Iwi o Ngati Awa o Te Aitanga ā Hauiti.
Ko ngā waka tapu ko Mataatua ko Horouta.
Mauri ora kia koutou katoa. Ko Tui Akuhata-Green (nee Makea) ahau. Born in Palmerston North and raised in Te Teko/Kawerau for the majority of my childhood before moving to Te Awa Tipua, Whanganui with my Pāpā and tuakana to complete my college years and calling this place home.
A māmā to four beautiful tamariki and wife to my highschool sweetheart Matty. I graduated from Te Rangakura in 2010 completing a Bachelor in Bilingual Primary School Teaching and am currently a Kaiako at Te Kura o Waimata working with our rangatahi ō āpopo.
Sports or physical education has always been a big part of who I am. Participating and coaching is my happy place, however, nowadays it is less competitive but more so a passion of sharing mātauranga and skills.
I have been on a hauora journey since 2018 and would like to say that I am still a work in progress.
Becoming a Fit Wāhine Coach is actually a dream come true. PT has always been something that I knew I would eventually pursue when the time was right and I am grateful to be able to grow, share and exchange mātauranga with indigenous wāhine across Aotearoa in this beautiful space.
Fitwāhine Aotearoa is an environment like no other. For me it is a hononga like that of a sisterhood, a whānau where everyone is made to feel welcomed in a space that you grow a sense of belonging to but most of all this space encourages you to step outside of that comfort zone to be the best version of yourself alongside like minded wahine who are on the same waka hauora.
My advice to you is to remember You are not alone! Tūwhitia te hopo mairangatia te angitū!! Feel the fear and do it anyway.
Te Moana Nui Flow Dance Coach Mapihi Kelland
Ko Tongariro te maunga Ko Taupo-nui-a-Tia te moana Ko Te Heuheu te tangata Ko Ngāti Tūwharetoa te iwi Kia ora tātou kātoa, Ko Māpihi tōku ingoa.
What I enjoy most about Fit Wāhine – are the wāhine! Who doesn’t love a safe online space that you can come to every day and leave feeling inspired, uplifted, positive – and sweaty!? Born and raised under my maunga in small-town Turangi, I have always felt a strong pull to anything creative and embraced the joy I felt when doing Kapa Haka and performing.
In 2014, I graduated from Whitireia NZ, majoring in Performing Arts, studying Ura (Cook Islands), Siva Samoa, Māori Performing Arts, and NZ Contemporary Dance. I have been very privileged as a wāhine Māori, Pakeha, and Syrian to have been mentored and tutored by some of the top Pasifika dancers and experts from the Cook Islands, Tahiti, Tokelau, Samoa, and Aotearoa. My experiences have taken me all over the world, working with many dance and theatre companies in both Aotearoa and overseas, exchanging and sharing knowledge and passion through workshops, theatre shows, festivals, and wānanga.
To share these lessons and experiences I have gained as a dancer over the years with the Fit Wāhine Tribe is an exciting and motivating progression of my journey. Ngā mihi to the Fit Wāhine whānau. My advice to other wāhine would be: always remind yourself that you are powerful, worthy, and divine.